【东鹏】凝聚共识·开创共赢 - 2019年度东鹏国际营销系统全球年会圆满落幕 |
【dongpeng】2019-1-25发表: 凝聚共识·开创共赢 - 2019年度东鹏国际营销系统全球年会圆满落幕 fromjanuary21sttojanuary23rd,dongpenginternationalannualconference2019washeldinfoshancity,guang 凝聚共识·开创共赢 - 2019年度东鹏国际营销系统全球年会圆满落幕from january 21st to january 23rd,dongpeng international annual conference 2019 was held in foshancity, guangdong province, china, where is the beginning of dongpeng’s expansion to the world. centering on the theme of “forge a unity, unleash our synergy”, numerous dongpeng overseas distributors around the world gathered together to share the joyful news of the relocation of dongpeng headquarters and to have a profound discussion on the issue of further development. 2019年1月21日至23日,东鹏集团国际营销系统全球年会在中国佛山盛大召开,来自全球各大洲的众多客户齐聚集团绿岛湖总部,同贺总部乔迁,成为东鹏集团发展新篇章的见证者,同时围绕“凝聚共识·开创共赢”的主题,多维度深入探讨战略合作、开创共赢的发展新策略。 the past year has witnessed the deepening cooperation between dongpeng and its overseas distributors, for which both of them could have a steady development and ensure the achievement of a win-win target. as the great brand of ceramic industry in china, dongpeng takes the longstanding chinese ceramic culture as its basis, serving as an important foundation of leading the ceramic industry trend all the time. it is expected dongpeng would quicken its pace of overseas business and make greater progress in the following years. 过去的一年间,东鹏集团与海外经销商合作不断加深,逐步实现互利共赢。作为中国建陶行业的大国品牌,东鹏集团致力于引领民族品牌走向世界舞台,砥砺47年,始终引领着世界陶瓷行业的发展潮流。在未来,东鹏也将加快海外发展步伐,让中国陶瓷受到世界的尊重,成为行业标杆。 foothold present, look ahead beijing time 22nd january, 2019, the conference started at 9:00 am, in dongpeng’s new headquarters that comes into use recently. it is worth mentioning that it was the first time for overseas distributors to visit dongpeng’s new home. selecting dongpeng’s birthplace,foshan city, as the annual conference venue, also provided an excellent opportunity for dongpeng to show the distributors its robust enterprise strength and trend-setting products. mr. wu wenxin, the president of dongpeng tiles division, also attended this annual conference. 2019年1月22日上午9:00,东鹏国际营销系统全球年会在东鹏大厦正式拉开序幕,会上,东鹏瓷砖事业部总裁吴文新先生作为特邀嘉宾出席本次会议,与客户友好会晤。选择在佛山绿岛湖总部这一“鹏飞之地”举办此次年会,东鹏集团旨在与客户进行一场近距离的产品对话与策略讨论,以“硬实力”展示东鹏集团的企业内涵与发展视野。 after the emcee’s opening words, audience applauded enthusiastically to welcome martin wang, the general manager of dongpeng international business department,to deliver the speech about the achievements obtained in the past year and the business outlook in 2019. the exciting speech has exceedingly strengthened the confidences of all partners. 东鹏国际营销系统王雅伟总经理在会上表示,过去的一年,陶瓷行业充满了挑战与变革,作为建陶行业的领先品牌,东鹏集团审时度势,聚焦变革,在产品领先、效率驱动、整合细分、服务升级等多个层面取得重要突破,交出了一份令人满意的成绩单,未来,我们将以崭新姿态,凝心聚力、创新变革,以“聚”变求“巨”变,创造更大的发展前景。 a shared platform,a integrated market with 47 years’ development, dongpeng ceramic is committed to advancing globalization integration and achieving win-win outcomes for both sides. to achieve its goal of integrating global market, dongpeng has been focusing on providing supports to distributors on creative design, training, valued-added services,world exhibition and other aspects. it is believed that these supports would help dongpeng establish a shared platform for a brighter future. 在47年的发展历程中,东鹏致力于推进全球化整合,努力实现双方的互利共赢。为实现更好的资源整合,东鹏国际营销市场部将持续向经销商提供创意设计、专业培训、配套服务、国际性大型展览会等多方面的支持。通过全方位的战略支持,东鹏集团将在全球构建合作伙伴共享平台,与海外经销商同心协力,共谋佳业。 among all excellent partners, one of the representatives was invited to deliver a speech,sharing the story about the cooperation with dongpeng and the experience in dealing with overseas development. the others also embodied their recognition to dongpeng’s enterprise strength with warm applause or in other ways. 此次年会,东鹏集团合作伙伴之一澳大利亚maxmara公司的老板戴萌先生,就海外市场发展,行业趋势及当地市场分析在会上做出汇报与交流,表达了对东鹏的认可与信心。 new gallery matches latest product in the spirit of inquiry and creation, dongpeng devotes to producing new products,which is the primary drive of dongpeng’s leading position in ceramic tile industry. during the conference, an introduction and promotion for the major new products of dongpeng international department in 2019 was made. dongpeng marble+ 4.0 made its debut in the conference. meanwhile,dongpeng launched ceremoniously an epoch-making product, dongpeng air-purification tile. it was proved that dongpeng air-purification tile could continuously produce negative oxygen ions, which can effectively purify harmful air composition such as formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and tvoc. these new arrivals had greatly mobilized audiences’ enthusiasm and brought the conference to a new climax. 本着求索创新的精神,东鹏产品更新迭代,不断突破,时时走在陶瓷行业的前沿。东鹏原石4.0系列产品在大会上首次惊艳亮相,同时空气净化砖的推出,以其出色的净化性能,成为嘉宾们关注的焦点。 glory night, grand ceremony the gala dinner has started from 19:00 pm.all dongpeng partners from around the globe and staff of dongpeng international department dressed up and attended this grand gathering. during the gala dinner, the award ceremony was held with the aim of expressing the appreciation to the achievement that dongpeng partners have made in 2018. four grand awards were set up. mr. wu wenxin and martin wang awarded trophies to the following winners. 晚上7点钟,年会晚宴正式开始。来自全球的东鹏合作伙伴和东鹏国际部全体员工盛装出席了此次盛会,会上激动人心的颁奖环节,由瓷砖事业部总裁吴文新先生及国际营销系统总经理王雅伟先生逐一颁出了奖项。 1.保利建筑材料贸易有限公司 2. elegant decor co., ltd. 3.innoland development corporation 4.afro-china group 5.北京交远建筑 6.dp ceramic sdn bhd 7.union sb 8.grand home mart co., ltd. 1.青岛美盛德 2.mao trung 3.pt jayamas globalindo 4.dp tile and stone co. ltd 5.kz kitchen cabinet&stone,inc. 1.grand home mart co., ltd. 2.maxmara 3.advan co,.ltd 4.firmstone building materials limited 1.爱乐(佛山)建材贸易有限公司 2.pt jayamas globalindo 3.union sb accompanying the exquisitely prepared traditional programs with chinese characteristics, the gala dinner was brought to a new climax. this year’s annual conference means a new start for dongpeng. based on the consensus that dongpeng and its distributors have reached, dongpeng would create more opportunities for global partners in the win-win situation by keeping closer cooperation. 颁奖典礼后,晚宴在水墨舞与夜光狮的炫目表演中出现了一个又一个的气氛小高潮,现场气氛浓烈,各宾客之间相互祝酒,并献上美好祝福。 此次盛宴,是2018年度的“收官之作”,也是2019年国际营销事业的新起点。2019年,东鹏集团将以崭新姿态,飞向更高远的未来。 我们再出发! 标签:东鹏 瓷砖相关 东鹏生活馆东鹏洞石东鹏瓷砖东鹏卫浴东鹏洁具东鹏营销,本资讯的关键词:东鹏2019年yearpeng圆满落幕东鹏集团intnewseaproheratiforchi (【dongpeng】更新:2019/1/25 10:32:00)